Gen2:7 reads-

''And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.'' [KJV]

I have been meditating on this verse of the Holy Book for a while now, and I'm also looking at it from a different perspective.

Well, I don't believe that man came from monkeys. No matter what science claims, I believe that I'm a direct creation of the Almighty God. There are countless proof to defend my view. But I will leave that for some other day. Right now I'm interested in the Power that God invested in man.

Man became a living soul because of the Divine Breath in his nostrils. A mould from the ground became an excellent creation because of the Divine Breath in his nostrils.

The Power behind that Divine Breath is indescribable. It is the Breath of Life.

Do you understand how powerful you are-- regardless of race, color, nationality, gender, social status, background, etc.

You are a living soul-- not a dead soul. You carry a Breath that your wildest imagination cannot fathom its full import. That Breath in you is the origin of your hidden potentials, giftings, talents, and the reason for your inward cravings to make your mark on earth.

Every man [ or woman ] carries that Breath. It does not matter whether you know God or not, whether you believe Him or not. You may deny His existence, but that does not change the fact that you are a living soul.

You carry the Divine Breath.

No wonder man over the centuries have never stopped to engage his mind in inventions. To create new things by tapping into that great power called the mind. The Divine Breath in man has enabled him to put in place what many consider the Wonders of the Earth.

But how wonderful are those wonders if you have not unleashed your hidden potentials, inspired by the Divine Breath. The Wonders of the Earth are not complete until you show up on the scene.

We celebrate Bill Gates today for his vision to put the computer in every home, in every office, in every car, and in our world. That is the same way we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr for his vision to see the whites and the blacks live in harmony everywhere. We also celebrate Rosemary Abimbola Odukoya for her vision to inspire young men and women onto right living and create a better world. These people and many others stood for different causes and won. The Divine Breath in them didn't waste.

The world is waiting for you to mainifest.

Your times and season are here.

Go, stand for a cause. Be a living soul.

Adedayo Adetoye
