Advice To Nigerian Consumers Of Electronic Devices. --Andrew Adedayo Adetoye

Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming and exciting! But we're also made vulnerable by the technologies we are exposed to. It's important you ask questions about your home & office devices. They could be transmitting data about you to sources you won't ever imagine. 

Your home is the prime place of your privacy. Guard it. Be wary of latest electronic devices you want to install in your living room, bedroom, the kids room, bathroom, and other corners of your house. Ask questions. Who are the manufacturers? Read manuals. 

There'll always be bad guys in the tech sector just as we have bad guys in the financial sector who are responsible for ponzi schemes & other scams. The tech bad guys are after information which ordinarily you won't freely release to them.  

They could appear as legit businesses, agents or even "respected" individuals or people you think you can trust. 

But they are the bad guys of the tech sector.  They make all of us vulnerable to what we ordinarily should enjoy the fun. 

The information they seek varies depending on what the objective is. It could be information about your bank account balance, the location you are at any time. 
They could also target your data files on your computer or laptop. They could set you up for your nude photos (what gadget do you have in your bedroom or bathroom? Don't trust your washing machine.) 

If you want your nudity private, DON'T take selfie while you're bathing naked, and don't take photograph of your kids with your smartphone when they are naked. Deleting them DOES NOT DELETE in tech sense. 

If you just bought new set of electronic gadgets for your home, ensure you plan the layout for them. Know their manufacturers and/or franchisee. Read every document that comes with the purchase.  

Sometimes the biggest harm we could suffer is when our privacy is breached. And that is the speciality of the bad guys in tech.  

At this point, I don't want to talk about large scale privacy breach which involves data/files of corporations and national data/files which has wider security implication. Neither do I want to talk about Governments that back privacy breaches.

Almost all electronic hardwares in stores in Nigeria are imported. Quality, safety and more importantly ethical risks remain largely a problem due to weak regulatory regimes. Our regulatory agencies are not well funded & staffed with professionals. 

I'm aware that quality, safety and ethical standard of electronic devices entering the EU, the U.S. and other advanced economies are well regulated and their citizens protected. Their legal system and commercial laws remain helpful to citizens. 

These advanced economies, in spite of their existing robust regulatory and legal systems, are exploring how best to task tech firms to adhere strictly to ethical standards that further protect their citizens.

Nigeria has a huge market. No doubt about that. But there is a national security concern as we continue to open up to all kinds of tech products coming from anywhere and everywhere without genuine and effective regulatory control.

On Electric Vehicles, EVs, And Prospect For Africa:

As Africans love and demand for EVs grow, China's dominance in Africa's consumer and industrial market is indication that Chinese manufacturers of EVs won't face rivalry in Africa. Not even with Tesla or other manufacturers from Europe/America.

But is Africa poised to have a better deal with China?

Not in terms of pricing, safety and ethical consideration, but in terms of technology sharing.

Will AU, AFDB and member States take the right steps in the right direction, if for the first time, to have a deal with China to open EV factories in Africa, train African engineers, etc?
